Thursday, October 20, 2011

Riding Horse

Allie continues to do horse lessons and is enjoying the new challenges as she gets better, stronger and taller (her feet still do not quite sit in the stirrups).    Here she is cantering with a lead....

Now, for years Shannon has been content to sit and watch, but then last month she wanted to ride...  She has been asking to ride for a while, but never actually would when it got close.  Well, this time she did.   So, Ms. Melissa said if she wants to keep riding, she has to wear a helmet and jeans. Jeans.  Uh, do you know Shannon?  I am not even sure she owns any?

But sure enough.. cute as a button in jeans...

And ready to ride!!

More Pics..

I did it!!

Now time to brush Ace..

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