Sunday, October 2, 2011

Shaver Girls start Soccer

It was destined to be....

Now that Allie is in Kindergarten, she can play on the city soccer leagues through Parks and Rec.  So, of course, she was excited and ready to go.

Her practices were kind of funny, as the coach does not really know much about soccer.. but she has a couple assistant coaches who do.

Even Shannon wanted to play.

Then it was game time!!  The girls are lined up getting ready for the start....

And they are off.... :)

A much needed bench rest..

Allie started her second game in the goal, much to her delight!!

Though, her team was dominating, so she got a bit bored and decided to dance...

During her second game, Allie scored her first goal.  I sure wish I had it on tape, since it involved a pretty cool trick around another player.... (not bragging, of course).

It is fun to watch her.. she is fast and loves to play defense.  She is very comfortable sitting back, helping protect the goal and goalie, and waiting to "steal" the ball from the other team, and run with it.

It is clear, our future will involve many soccer games....  

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