Monday, October 31, 2011

Disney On Ice

Three families get together with their girls, leaving Dads and boys at home...   Time to get dressed up, and head out for a night on the town... Disney on Ice is in Portland!!! :)    

This year the theme was Toy Story 3..while the girls enjoyed it, there were some complaints due to lack of princesses....

But the aliens were too cute!!!

While the show was good, it was almost more fun watching the girls facial expressions...

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Allie and her class took a trip to a local pumpkin patch, and Shannon and I arrived just in time for the hayride to the pumpkin field!!

The best part?   Unquestionably.... Riding the bus. :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Student of the Month!!

Allie had an assembly this week.....

And during the assemblies, Students of the Month are honored... This month, they were honoring students who exemplified "Joy" (Fruit of the Spirit)...  And guess who was awarded for the Kindergarten Class??

To say she was excited is an understatement.....  

We are so proud of our daughter, who brings so much JOY to our lives!!   God bless you, Allie!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Apples to Cider...

 Making Apple Cider with Granddaddy....  Yummy....  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hula Hooping Sisters

Allie has mastered the skill...

Shannon tries to keep up with the "hulie hoop"

Allie can speed hula hoop.. the video doesn't really do it justice, but it is a crack up to see...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Riding Horse

Allie continues to do horse lessons and is enjoying the new challenges as she gets better, stronger and taller (her feet still do not quite sit in the stirrups).    Here she is cantering with a lead....

Now, for years Shannon has been content to sit and watch, but then last month she wanted to ride...  She has been asking to ride for a while, but never actually would when it got close.  Well, this time she did.   So, Ms. Melissa said if she wants to keep riding, she has to wear a helmet and jeans. Jeans.  Uh, do you know Shannon?  I am not even sure she owns any?

But sure enough.. cute as a button in jeans...

And ready to ride!!

More Pics..

I did it!!

Now time to brush Ace..

Monday, October 17, 2011

Football Fun

More football fun.....  Our girls sure love to tailgate... and then to head over to the game!!

Playing Uno with their  Uncle Greg in Law..

When the game is about to begin, they get serious... their favorite part is about to happen..

The players running out of the Helmet... followed by fireworks..

Though, Allie will tell you, the best part is if the Beavers win!! :)   Not competitive at all!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

1st Goal for Allie!!

I will let the pictures tell you the story.....

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Shaver Girls start Soccer

It was destined to be....

Now that Allie is in Kindergarten, she can play on the city soccer leagues through Parks and Rec.  So, of course, she was excited and ready to go.

Her practices were kind of funny, as the coach does not really know much about soccer.. but she has a couple assistant coaches who do.

Even Shannon wanted to play.

Then it was game time!!  The girls are lined up getting ready for the start....

And they are off.... :)

A much needed bench rest..

Allie started her second game in the goal, much to her delight!!

Though, her team was dominating, so she got a bit bored and decided to dance...

During her second game, Allie scored her first goal.  I sure wish I had it on tape, since it involved a pretty cool trick around another player.... (not bragging, of course).

It is fun to watch her.. she is fast and loves to play defense.  She is very comfortable sitting back, helping protect the goal and goalie, and waiting to "steal" the ball from the other team, and run with it.

It is clear, our future will involve many soccer games....