To celebrate, we had some family over for Shannon's First Birthday party. Of course, at one year, she was not that into the whole thing, so we had help opening the presents. The hit of the party was a giant stuffed elephant from her aunt kim and uncle mark! Shannon loves it!!

In my family, it is tradition to give the baby a whole cake on their birthday. Because of her love of doggies, I made her a nice huskey cake.... with doggie cupcakes for the rest of us.

Shannon was not sure it was food or what to do with it.

I had to coax her into touching it, but she was way more interested in the cupcakes the other girls were eating. She even stepped in her cake to get to the cupcakes. So, we gave in and let her have a cupcake instead.

Then, of course, the other girls grabbed a fork and jumped into Shannon's cake.. and guess who wanted some now!! yep, with fork in hand, she enjoyed her cake!!
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