Monday, July 26, 2010


Recently we traveled to Minnesota to see some dear friends... while the weather was very warm, our children found great delight in playing with each other while the parents visited. Often, this play involved parks and/or water... of course.

We got to see Isa, who is one day older than Shannon. She is such a cutie!! And a water baby, just like ours...

Allie and Jonah were best of buds...

These two easily entertained each other...

Ok, not sure I understand the posing, but that is what they do these days when they see the camera...

Shannon and Aevan were so cute together....

Really, the kiddos all played so well together, it was a great trip. ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Playing with the grands...

Allie decided grandma as a bucking bronco and managed to hang on for more than 8 seconds..

Then we spent a day at Silver Falls enjoying the hot weather and fun waterfalls.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July and Summer Days

Hello, so this is a little late, but here are some pics of our weekend celebrating the Fourth of July. We spent some time in a little plastic pool in our back yard...

then spent a day at Grandma and Granddads... The girls sure love their grandparents.

A game of baseball is a must...
The whole family got into the game ...

And then it was time to pick cherries and blueberries.... ok, so the girls are great at picking the berries, but not so great at putting their picks in a bucket....rather all goes into the mouth.

We even did some fireworks...

And ended the night with ice cream and pie. Shannon ate THREE bowls of homemade ice cream... her likes ice cream.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Still taking photos...

Allie's interest in taking photos continues... here are a couple of her latest....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

VBS: High Seas Adventure 2010

This was Allie's first year attending VBS, and she loved it. The theme was High Seas Adventure, and she really got into the music, the bible points and the crafts...

Here is the group singing a couple of their songs...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Gorge and Rock Skipping

On our way home from Tri-Cities, we made a couple stops at about half way. It is such a beautiful drive and Mt. Hood was out and shining!

Allie sure has sass when it comes to picture taking... and other things...

And somehow, in this picture, Shannon looks so sweet and innocent... just a girl and her stuffed dog.

We also tried to teach Allie to skip rocks, though it proved to be harder than she thought...

I guess we will have to practice that some more.