So, April has been full of fun little events.
First, we had friends over for dinner and they brought over baby kittens, which the girls got to bottle feed. They loved it.

We enjoyed a few sunny days in April, and even had a chance to picnic on the front lawn.

Also, the girls were very helpful in planting our herb seeds.... now, hopefully they will grow and we will have a plentiful herb garden.

Shannon's hair is growing.... so much, that I am able to do two pigtails (well, mostly)... it is cute look. She is also fascinated by momma's phone...

And last weekend, an old dear friend came to visit and Allie beat her at Candyland. Allie did promise to go slower for the next game...

We also headed up to Seattle to see more friends... :)

Boy, it has been a blur of a month!!!!