We decided it was time for a family outing to somewhere new, and we had been meaning to head south to Salem to try out a little museum there for kiddos.. so off we went. Here is how the website describes it....
A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village offers year-round fun with indoor & outdoor interactive exhibits that promote learning through play. Kids & adults alike enjoy our three historic houses & 20,000-square-foot Outdoor Discovery Center. The hands-on children’s museum invites families & groups to enjoy a truly unique educational experience in Salem, Oregon’s Riverfront Park"
Click here to find out more.
Crazy.. this guy, AC Gilbert was a Olympic gold medalist in the pole vault, earned an MD from yale, and went on to invent the Erect0r set. Hmm.. he was a busy guy.
Well, once we arrived, it was not exactly what I was expecting, but was a real treat. Each room had a theme, and it was very educational, hands on and fun for the kiddos.. especially Allie.
I forgot to get my camera out until the end, but here are a few shots...

Allie is uncovering dinosaur bones here with some little boy.